3 Signs You May Need a UCF Plumber for a Blocked Drain

Encore Plumbing
UCF Plumber

Blocked drains are a common problem for many college students that can wreak havoc if not detected early enough. Here are signs you need a UCF plumber.

Blocked drains can cause thousands of dollars in damage if the blocked drain backs up and spews sewage around your bathroom or kitchen. College students don’t have the time or money to deal with spilled sewage all over the bathroom. If you notice any of these warning signs, it may be time to book an appointment with our UCF plumber specialist before the problem worsens.

Slow Draining

The most obvious sign of a blocked drain is a slow draining tub, sink, or toilet. If you are running the water on any of these three and the water is slowly going down the drain as opposed to its usual speed, there is something within the pipe that is preventing the water from going down.

Changes in Pressure

If you are turning on your sink or shower faucet and notice the pressure of the water lagging and not as forceful as before, there is a pretty good chance you have a pipe blockage. Decreased water pressure can be annoying to deal with. It can take longer to wash dishes or shower when the water speed is not as fast as you’d want it to be. By calling our UCF plumber, we can make sure the pressure in your sink, shower, and faucet are as they should be!

Gurgling Drains

Try running water from your faucet and then stay close by to see if you hear the strange gurgling sound indicative of a clog. When food scraps or other objects get trapped inside a drain, air can get trapped inside along with it. If you add water to the mix by running the faucet, this can produce a strange gurgling sound coming from inside your drain.

Bad Smells

Rotten smells originate from decaying food or organic matter that is stuck inside your shower or sink drain. This scent can be not only unpleasant but also very unhealthy. Clogged food inside of your pipe will build up with time and worsen the problem at hand. Our UCF plumber will make sure that everything’s A-okay.

If any of these issues are apparent in your home, don’t wait! Call an Encore Plumbing specialist today before the problem worsens.

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